We the Filipino American Community in Michigan, in order to establish a Coordinating Council, to preserve, promote and protect our cultural heritage and uphold the best of Filipino ideals, and firm in the belief of Almighty God’s leading, do ordain and promulgate this Constitution and Bylaws.  


The organization shall be known as the Filipino American Community Council of Michigan hereinafter referred to as FILAMCCO. The office shall be located at the Philippine American Community Center (PACCM), 17356 Northland Park Court, Southfield, Michigan 48075.


The FILAMCCO will serve as an Umbrella Organization to all Member Organizations in Michigan.

Section I   Goals and Objectives

  1. To generate unity and awareness amongst the Filipino American through various educational, cultural and social events.
  2. To promote Philippine culture and collaborate with other ethnic groups.
  3. To encourage and assist member organization in various projects and activities.
  4. To provide a forum or information to achieve unity, understanding and cooperation among member organizations through newsletters, meetings, seminars, websites and other types of communications.
  5. To raise funds by way of contribution, donations, subscriptions, legacies, and other lawful means for the benefit of the Filipino community


Section 1 Said organization is incorporated under the laws of the State of Michigan as a non-profit organization under 501© (4) as FILAMCCO Inc. It is organized exclusively for charitable, educational, and promotion of social welfare including for such purposes, that qualify under section 501 © (4) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Section 2   FILAMCCO Foundation

FILAMCCO Foundation was created by FILAMCCO Inc. under 501© (3) classified as private Foundation of the Internal Revenue Code with its own entity by itself governed by own Bylaws, rules and regulations with officers and members. It serves common goals with the FILAMCCO Inc.  and mainly to serve people that are victims of calamities therefore, it is tax-exempt under IRS rules and regulations.

Section 3 No organization earnings/funds shall be disbursed for the personal benefit of members, trustees, officers or other persons, except for reasonable expenses as previously approved by the Executive Board. 

Section 4 The organization shall not engage in any propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislations. It shall not participate in any political campaign on behalf or in opposition to any candidate for public office.

Section 5 Upon dissolution of the organization, assets shall be distributed directly to FILAMCCO FOUNDATION, exempt under 501© (3) of the Internal Revenue Code or to the State or Local Government for public purposes.


Section I   Eligibility

  1. Must be a Filipino-American Organization in the State of Michigan.
  2. Must be duly paid member and in existence for a year of good standing.
  3. Must have a minimum membership of at least fifteen (15) members.
  4. Must have Constitution and Bylaws with set of duly elected officers.
  5. Must subscribe to the goals and objectives of the organization.

Section 2    Membership

A. Regular Member

  1. Any organizations that met the eligibility and are active in the programs.
  2. Must have paid the required current dues to have the full rights and responsibilities of membership.

B. Affiliate Member

  1. Shall be those organizations that support the projects of FILAMCCO.
  2. No dues are required.
  3. They can attend meetings as observers.
  4. They are not eligible to vote.

Section 3 Dues

  1. Annual organization membership dues shall be set forth by a vote of the Council. It must be paid from the months of January 1st to December 31st of the calendar year.
  2. October 31st is set as deadline date during election year in order to have the privilege to vote in November.
  3. Payment will be assessed and is reflected for unpaid years until payment(s) become current.

Section 4   Application for Membership

  1. Membership application shall be provided by the Membership Committee to the prospective member organization along with a copy of the FILAMCCO Constitution and Bylaws.
  2. The Board of Directors shall approve the membership by majority vote.
  3. Applications not approved can be resubmitted after three months.
  4. Approval or disapproval shall be notified by mail signed by the President.

Section 5 Resignation

Council Member may resign in good standing by sending a letter of resignation to the President   before dues become delinquent.


Section 1  The 29 Board of Directors shall consist of the Executive Board and Board Members.

  1. The Executive Officers shall consist of:   President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Auditor, Public Relation Officer and the Immediate Past President.

Section 2 Qualification

  1. Must be a certified member of a member organization.
  2. The President shall attest in writing that the individual concerned is certified member of the said organization.

Section 3  Duties and Responsibilities

A. The Board of Directors shall be the executive arm of the FILAMCCO.

  1. It shall execute, administer or supervise the programs, activities or projects of the FILAMCCO.
  2. It shall manage with reasonable care and prudence the finances and properties of the FILAMCCO.

Section 4  Vacancy

  1. In case of vacancy from the Executive Officers, the president shall appoint from the current Board of Directors for the remainder of the term.
  2. If the vacancy is a Board Member, the president may appoint from any President of other Council Member Organization.

Section 5  Resignation

Members may resign in good standing by sending official letter of resignation to the current President with copy to the Corresponding Secretary before dues become delinquent.

Section 5 Term of Office

  1. The President is limited for a maximum of two (2) terms or four (4) years. However, he/she can seek re-election after term expired after two (2) years or, one term.
  2. The Board of Directors, except the President, shall serve a term of office for two years and may seek re-election indefinitely.


Section 1   President

The President shall serve as the chief of the executive officer of the FILAMCCO.

  1. Presides at all meetings of the Council and the Executive Board.
  2. Responsible for preparing the agenda of the Board of Directors.
  3. Shall have the power to appoint the following:
    1. Parliamentarian
    2. Different committees or special committees, its chairpersons and members.
  4. Responsible for maintaining good public relations with the community.
  5. Acts as Ex-Officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee
  6. Must file the yearly renewal of the organization Incorporation before October 1st of each year.
  7. Must oversee the yearly Federal Tax Filing of the Organization after the fiscal year ends.

Section 2  Vice President

  1. The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in his/her absence.
  2. Assumed the power and authorities delegated to him/her by the Board of Directors or, the President.